Per sorridere …

Due cose che mi hanno fatto sorridere in questi giorni :

Dalla Newsletter dei Dresden Dolls

To our dear dear friends in Melbourne:
Fuck hotels.
Would you like to house some starving artists for ten days? December 5-15.
Let us know!
It’s going to be me + 4 members of The Danger Ensemble and we will give you free merch and tickets to the Spiegeltent up the wazoo and turn your home into an art palace. Well, that’s a lie. We’ll mostly be just sleeping there.
We need relatively comfy accommodations for 5 bodies.
We don’t mind sharing beds, but you’d need at least 3 beds.
Wireless and tea kettle a wicked plus. We like cats. We like dogs.
We’re willing to get creative.
If you know of anybody leaving town, or with a space in general that can be made hospitable for 10 days, let us know. Even more amazing would be if the space is large enough to move around and rehearse and film in. We like getting jiggy and filming.

Where? Um. The nearer to the venue the better.
The tent is at: The Arts Centre Forecourt, 100 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne. Right downtown.
Walking distance would make us so happy, but if we need to drive to the gigs, we have a van.

Per la serie … non potevano capitare dalle parti di Cascinaprovinciadipisa?

E poi … dalla newsletter di Laura Veirs

Hey all,

Laura is accepting music students in the Portland, Oregon area. If you are interested studying guitar, banjo or songwriting with Laura, please email me at and I will pass along her contact information.

She’s teaching lessons in a rad backyard studio with a wood-burning stove and French doors to her garden. It’s lovely place to learn music and Laura’s a great teacher.

Happy Holidays,

Here’s lesson info from Laura:

Guitar, Banjo and Songwriting Lessons
Alberta Arts District location

What I Teach:
— Guitar: country-blues, folk finger-style, rock, pop songs, music/chord theory, singing and playing at the same time
— Banjo: clawhammer/old time songs with an emphasis on singing and playing
— Songwriting

Teaching Philosophy:
Over ten years of teaching private lessons I’ve found that this method works: Listen, play and record.
Listen — We listen to a recording of the song you want to learn.
Play — With chords and/or tablature as a visual aid, you play through the song slowly.
Record — I record the song slowly for you to play along with at home.

Each week I give specific homework for students. Songwriting students are encouraged to use “The Artist’s Way” as a supplemental text.

Every few months we have “Star Parties” where all my students gather together to present the music they’ve been working on. These parties tend to freak out some students but ultimately give them a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.

Per la serie … vabb? che volevo imparare a suonare la chitarra … di nuovo, non poteva capitare dalle parti di Cascinaprovinciadipisa ?

Il mondo ? piccolo …


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