E io invece ora ho te …

Sar? un “bon iver” ? Mah … per ora siamo attanagliati. Freddo, gelo, pioggia neve. E quindi rimaniamo separati, rimaniamo lontani … come due che non si conoscono come due che non si incontrano da 2 settimane ormai … come due che stanno ancora cercando di capire dove saranno alla fine di questo inverno e all’inizio della primavera e dell’estate.

Per? adesso c’? un treno di gomme nuove da consumare, una pila di CD da ascoltare in macchina, un paio di pile di telefilm da guardare insieme, non importa quanta strada dovremo fare.

Bon Iver – Re:stacks – For Emma, Forever Ago

This my excavation and today is kumran

Everything that happens is from now on

This is pouring rain

This is paralyzed

I keep throwing it down two-hundred at a time

It’s hard to find it when you knew it

When your money’s gone

And you’re drunk as hell

On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load

In the back and the racks and the stacks are your load

In the back with your racks and you’re un-stacking your load

I’ve twisting to the sun I needed to replace

The fountain in the front yard is rusted out

All my love was down

In a frozen ground

There’s a black crow sitting across from me; his wiry legs are crossed

And he’s dangling my keys he even fakes a toss

Whatever could it be

That has brought me to this loss?

On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load

In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load

In the back with your racks and you’re un-stacking your load

This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization

It’s the sound of the unlocking and the lift away

Your love will be

Safe with me


PS: mi manchi.

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